The colour combination she chose is very special and maybe even audacious since you don’t see a colour combination like this every day. She combines a light blue blouson with a checked high wasted white and green pantaloon. The collar of the blouson is very fine and the buttons, which normally continue until the end of the collar here, end much earlier what creates a bigger aperture. The pleat front high wasted pantaloon is very hip, although I see this style more often in simple colours. As well she wears leather shoes, but they aren’t as chic as the ones the man in image 9 is wearing, so I still haven’t found a woman wearing them. I do like her shoes, especially the colours white and black and that only the peak is white. The peroxide blonde fits her boy cut hairdo.
This young woman is another typical example for someone living in Berlin "Mitte". I must say this billet is mabe the most interesting in the city because of thr variaty of different young people. I like how she's wearing her scarf together with her yellow whooljacket. Its very stylish how she combines her italian men's shoes with a simle black skirt.
While going though a fashionmagazin from Tokyo I came across this picture. I think it^sanother good way to combine a scarf.
I like the hippielook Tokyos fashion is dominating at the moment.
On this picture you can see a man who is wearing chic leather shoes in combination with a casual look. This combination is very popular at the moment and will definitely be seen often this season. Not only men are supposed to wear this kind of leather shoes but also women look very chic in them. Unfortunately I haven’t found a woman wearing them in combination with a casual look yet. The rest of his clothing is quite simple, he‘s wearing black skinny jeans in combination with a zip hoody.
As you can see I made this picture during a little shopping tour in Berlin. The vendor is wearing a beauteous high wasted skirt made out of grey silk. As a beautiful detail the waste is framed with a salmon coloured elastic lace. Her t-shirt is also very gorgeous because of the beautiful anthracite colured linen. The linen makes the t-shirt flatter her body. Below you can see some other combinashion of similar skirts.
This cute couple I met at an illegal art gallery. It seems that the alternative fashion is very popular at the moment. When I look at the woman the first thing that I recognize is, that she is very natural by not wearing any make up. It seems that she doesn’t care how her hair is falling but still she wants to be good dressed. You can see this when you look at the colours she combines. The mint green leggings have the same colour as her mint green scarf and if you look closer to the pattern of her woollen camisole you see little flowers and a zigzag pattern on her sleeves which have almost the same mint colour as the leggings and the scarf. The buttons on her dark camisole are very beautiful and are eye-catching because they literally glow out of the picture. I don’t know exactly what they were made out of but I saw similar ones that were made out of shells. The sweet white skirt she is wearing underneath the camisole is very fashionable at the moment. Karl Lagerfelds winter collection for Chanel is dominating with this folkloric look and uses very simple colours. The off-white quillings on the end of the skirt are very neat which accord the dress the folkloric look. Her friend as well seems to like the alternative look. The green red patterned lumberjack shirt suits the brown woollen scarf. Although it must have been very cold at the time I made the picture, he wears shorts. It‘s a very fashionable model because they end above the knees. The little cuts on the sides of the shorts are a detail that I like about this anthracite-colored piece.
This woman is very fashionable. When you look closer you may see how she‘s wearing her oriental silk scarf. She binds the two ends of the scarf together so that the scarf appears much more voluminous. The jeans she‘s wearing have a typical eighties pattern what is very trendy but can be combined terribly. What she does is, she combines simple things like her beautiful woollen off-white cardigan with something special like how I already mentioned the jeans. The cardigan has a very casual cut that even appears way to big for her. But in combination with the skinny jeans you can still see her delicate figure. The look of the oversized cardigan is an element from the hippie look. But she breaks the hippie look by wearing classic high heels.
I have to admit that I only stopped this woman on her way to work because of her neon yellow shoes. The day before I bought the American fashion magazine NYLON which issued a whole chapter about sneakers with neon colours. The images I saw in the magazine are posted in my blog. The clunky and quite masculine style comes back from the eighties. Also the colour is typical for that time. I was very happy when I saw this woman with her sneakers and couldn’t just let her walk by. The rest of her outfit doesn’t appeal to me but I think is not important to like everything on a picture a single accessory is sufficient. In my opinion the combination of the clunky and heavy looking sneakers with a pretty and girly dress is not that well chosen. It doesn‘t matter if you combine this model with skinny jeans but you have to wear something that is simple but chic in another way. That she wears a yellow belt in addition to the sneakers is too much. She chose a red coloured bag, a blue skirt and the rest is yellow.
At first view it doesn‘t look special at all. But that‘s just what makes it so unique. She makes a simple black dress look astonishingly beautiful by combining it with very special transparent tights with black dots and stripes made out of a different fabric which I unfortunately can‘t interpret but I guess it is velvet. The cut and the pattern of her dress seems to be quite loose but at the same time it underlines her delicate figure. The spaced out turtleneck and the rolled up sleeves make the dress and the woman look very comfortable. If you look precisely you can see that she wears golden earrings. She chooses her accesories very careful and didn‘t want to ruin the simple look of the dress. So she chose a simple bag with a golden handle matching to her earings. The version of this bag with golden handles and sewing pattern you can see in Karl Lagerfelds newer collections for Chanel. The „nerd glasses“ are as well pretty stylish. I hope she really needs them and doesn‘t use them only as an accessory. Maybe its only me having the impression of her being an artist. But when I looked at her hands and how she holds her cigarette there is something delicate and careful in the way she holds it. I‘m a bit dissapointed not having had the chance to ask her what she does because it would have been interesting to know if I was right with my speculation.
I chose to comment this picture because here you can see as well a man wearing a rather simple suit but combined totally different. The man wearing it has a completely different appearance, he seems much more comfortable and used to having taken a picture of him. I like his yellow silk pocket handkerchief. I haven‘t seen people wearing handerkerchiefs for years especially not young men but its very stylish and classic. The first thing on this picture that attracked my attention were the glasses this young artist wore. They are very fashionable at the moment. But not only the glasses are very interesting but also the simple black suit he‘s wearing. It seems that at the moment black is dominating the fashion industry. The suit he‘s combining with a simple black skinny jeans so he doesn‘t look to chic but still he puts his chemise in the trousers what brings the chic appearance back. If you look at his sleeves you can see that the chemise appeares under the suit. This detail is very nice although it‘s nothing very new. I do like when men dress themselfes classy and dont use too much colour but still look unique by combining a simple suit with something new. He does that by wearing fashionable glasses.
This woman I photographed on the same evening as the woman above. She is dressed throughout in black but this doesn‘t mean that she looks unspectacular. She combines her simple look with special accessories like for example the key she wears as a necklace is just super. The colourful buttons on her very chic leatherjacket gives the look a specail touch. Here you can see an other style of baloon pants which suits perfect to the rest of the outfit.