The colour combination she chose is very special and maybe even audacious since you don’t see a colour combination like this every day. She combines a light blue blouson with a checked high wasted white and green pantaloon. The collar of the blouson is very fine and the buttons, which normally continue until the end of the collar here, end much earlier what creates a bigger aperture. The pleat front high wasted pantaloon is very hip, although I see this style more often in simple colours. As well she wears leather shoes, but they aren’t as chic as the ones the man in image 9 is wearing, so I still haven’t found a woman wearing them. I do like her shoes, especially the colours white and black and that only the peak is white. The peroxide blonde fits her boy cut hairdo.
This young woman is another typical example for someone living in Berlin "Mitte". I must say this billet is mabe the most interesting in the city because of thr variaty of different young people. I like how she's wearing her scarf together with her yellow whooljacket. Its very stylish how she combines her italian men's shoes with a simle black skirt.
While going though a fashionmagazin from Tokyo I came across this picture. I think it^sanother good way to combine a scarf.
I like the hippielook Tokyos fashion is dominating at the moment.
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